
Electricity Tips for New Homeowners of Old Homes

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Electricity Tips for New Homeowners of Old Homes

Hi, my name is Henry. I grew up in an old home and saw my parents frequently tackle projects such as rewiring the home or installing new garage doors to meet updated safety standards. As a kid, it just felt like a lot of busy activity, but as I got older and began working in real estate, I could see how essential these tasks were to owners of old homes. If you are a new homeowner with an old home, you are in for a treat, but you will also face challenges inherent with owning a home with old wiring. To help you, this blog has tips on repairing, rewiring and assessing the electricity in old homes. Thanks for reading!

When You May Need an Electrician, Even If Your Home Has Power

Not having power to your home is not the only sign that you may need to call an electrician. There are times when you need electrical repair work done behind the walls or along the circuits, even though the electricity seems to be functioning normally. Having this work done as soon as you notice a problem can keep you from the risk of an electrical fire and ensure that your power doesn't go out sometime down the road. Note a few signs that you may need an electrician, even if your home has power.

1. When a Particular Circuit Keeps Shutting off

A circuit shutting off on occasion is not unusual, but if you notice this happening frequently then you need to call an electrician. This often means that the wires of your home are not capable of holding the demands for electricity along a particular circuit, so that it shuts down. An electrician can test the wiring to note its capacity versus the appliances you have hooked up to that circuit, and either upgrade the wiring or rewire the circuits themselves. This will keep certain appliances on their own circuit or on a circuit that can handle its demands for power.

2. If You Smell Burning or Singeing Behind the Walls

A burning smell should always be checked in the home no matter what, but if you notice a burning or singeing smell behind the walls when you use an electrical device, this often means you have frayed or bare wires. They are allowing the electricity to come into contact with insulation or other building materials and in turn, these get singed. Note if you feel warmth along the walls in the same area as this too should be checked as soon as possible.

3. If You Experience Frequent Brownouts

A brownout refers to a slowdown in your electrical system, unlike a blackout, which is when the electricity shuts off altogether. A brownout usually means that the wires are being overloaded with electrical demands. You may need new wiring that can handle the demands of your electrical systems, or your wires may be frayed and in turn, they cannot carry the power that your electrical systems are demanding. You may also have too many devices on one circuit. Continuing to put demands on these wires can put you at increased risk for an electrical fire, so don't dismiss this problem but have it checked out by an electrician as soon as possible.