Types of Solar Panels for Residential Installation
There are diverse advantages of installing a solar energy system in your residential property. The choice is considerably inexpensive to run after initial purchase and installation because sunlight is free. The energy source is a renewable resource therefore the system does not contribute to the depletion of natural resources. In addition, solar energy generation does not emit carbon or other greenhouse gases so this reduces environmental degradation. Solar power systems utilise panels made from light-capturing components known as photovoltaic cells to generate electricity.
There are different types of solar panels in the market so it is important to understand their properties. The information will help you determine which product is right for your home:
Monocrystalline Panels
The monocrystalline panels are highly efficient in converting solar energy to electricity compared to common alternatives. These are constructed using a single crystal of pure silicone therefore they have a high concentration of photovoltaic cells. This means that the energy production rate will be high per panel so you will need fewer products to power your home.
Moreover, monocrystalline panels are ideal for roof installation because the total weight of the panels will be low. On the other hand, the large single pieces of silicone are rare and artificial production of the material is very expensive. This means that the initial cost of purchase will be high. You can identify monocrystalline panels by the presence of squarish cells.
Polycrystalline Panels
Polycrystalline panels have lower silicone content compared to monocrystalline products which means that they are less efficient. However, they are easy to manufacture so there are designs created to compensate for the natural inefficiency drawback. In addition, they are significantly cheaper so you can replace or add new panels without straining your finances.
Basically, the polycrystalline elements are made from several different crystals which fused to make a single photovoltaic cell. You can recognise them by the visible crystal flake design and the thin conduit wires dividing the panels.
Hybrid Panels
These are not as popular as the monocrystalline and polycrystalline therefore the technology is not widely available in the market. There are different propriety designs from manufacturers so it is important to discuss the benefits of each model with your supplier. For example, there is a popular solar panel which has an amorphous film installed behind monocrystalline cells. The layer consists of silicon deposited on the surface in gaseous form which enhances the energy extraction capabilities of the panels. However, you should note that most hybrid panels are very expensive.
To learn more, contact a company like A.J. Palmer Electrical.